Alternative Spring Break Philly, Day 3: Community center, working with the youth…

While other students are looking forward to some rest and relaxation this spring break, close to 250 FIU students will be spending their time helping others. From March 13-22, the students are participating in FIU’s Alternative Spring Break, a program that gives them a chance to volunteer all over the world. One of FIU’s groups is in Philadelphia. You can follow their adventures in this blog. Today we hear from Ian Wogan about Al Capone, tissue paper and green butter.

Wednesday March 17 – Happy St. Patty’s Day!  On our third day of service, we all feel like the time is flying!  Working with inner city youth between the ages of 2 and 13 is remarkably rewarding. With so many smiles, questions and curiosities, the children we are working with are keeping us quite busy and very entertained!

Each morning we get to the center around 8:30 and go over what we will be doing for the day. From 9:30 to about 12:30 we work with the day-care program that consists of four classes: Toddler Town, Mid-Kid Kountry, Pre-K 1 and Pre-K 2. With two of us volunteering in each classroom on a rotating schedule, we have gotten to work with quite a few kids. It really gives us a chance to work with all age groups and be able to interact with all the kids.

We came up with a creative way to teach the preschoolers how to spell their name by using tissue paper, construction paper and glue: simply crumbling up tissue paper and glueing it on the outline of their name. This activity also allows the children to learn all the colors they are using in a fun, creative way.

Stomachs were grumbling and the preschoolers were soon going to be taking their naps, we know that’s our cue. It’s lunch time! We walked into the city and had a delicious lunch outside in this beautiful 67-degree weather. Soon after, we headed over to the Eastern State penitentiary just across the street for a fun adventure. Did you know that Al Capone was held there?

Walking back to the center we were excited to work on a talent show for Friday and to make some green butter for St. Patty’s Day. Inspiration from Akilah, who had brought up the idea! We used heavy whipping cream, small containers, a marble and green food coloring. The children were all amazed that after just shaking the container with these ingredients, butter was the end result. We had bread for them to spread it on, and they were able to enjoy the butter they had just made. It was so precious to see their eyes and smiles light up during this activity.

Throughout the rest of the day we had homework time for those that had any, and for the rest, they were able to play outside.

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