GLOWS conference highlights successes, opportunities

FIU’s Global Water for Sustainability Program (GLOWS), which is helping to bring access to clean water and improved sanitation to the developing world, is expanding its role at FIU.

Plans are under way to expand the program into a center, said Andres Gil, vice president of Research at FIU. Gil made the remarks during a Sept. 7 conference at Biscayne Bay Campus that focused on the GLOWS. In addition to the services GLOWS currently provides in developing countries, the establishment of a center would capture the experiences and lessons from the GLOWS programs and translate them into knowledge to be shared. The center will add research and training components for future generations of water managers, scientists and researchers throughout the United States and internationally, Gil said.

The September conference was an opportunity to showcase current GLOWS projects in Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya and Georgia and the Caucasus. It was the first time country directors from all current GLOWS projects traveled to FIU to meet together.

In Rwanda, GLOWS is selecting several watersheds to implement and integrate a wide range of low-cost and innovative technologies for water supply, sanitation and agriculture in Rwanda, as well as improving community hygiene practices.

“Rwanda is 15 to 17 years out of genocide, but the potential in Rwanda is amazing. It is now time to move forward and indeed they are moving forward. It is the only country in Sub-Saharan Africa that is expected to meet the water and sanitation goals set forth for this project,” said David Mutekanga, Rwanda program coordinator.

In Tanzania, one of GLOWS’ objectives is to promote and support improved school sanitation and hygiene facilities and practices in the country.

“Less than half of the schools in the entire country have enough hygiene facilities to accommodate their students and staff. In many cases, one latrine may serve between 300 and 400 people at a given school. These conditions are absolutely unacceptable and detrimental to human health,” said Vivienne Abbott, Tanzania program director.

In the Mara River Basin, GLOWS has achieved trans-boundary agreements to ensure water flow to human populations in addition to increasing access to safe water and improved sanitation. Iman Yazdani, program coordinator for the Mara River Basin in Kenya, confirmed that access to safe water and hygiene has improved 20 to 30 percent and objectives are expected to be met by the completion of the project in 2012.

In Georgia and the Caucasus, GLOWS is developing a model for watershed planning and management to motivate reforms and actions in natural resource management. This includes potable water supply, ecosystem protection and energy supply.

One of the recurring themes throughout the conference was the importance of the commitment of local governments and policy-makers, as well as engagement with universities and students, within the host countries to ensure long-term sustainability and success.

“GLOWS presents a call to action to governments, universities, and profit and non-profit organizations to participate in the program and collaborate with one another so that we can learn from one another and achieve common long-term goals,” said Elizabeth Anderson, deputy director of GLOWS and a session moderator at the conference.

GLOWS is a consortium of international organizations led by FIU, working to increase social, economic and environmental benefits to people of the developing world, largely through funding provided by the United States Agency for International Development. Other members of the consortium include CARE, WaterAid America, Winrock International, World Vision and the World Wildlife Fund.  The consortium provides expertise across the policy, governance, educational and technical dimensions of integrated water resources management. GLOWS is an integral component of FIU’s School of Environment, Arts and Society in the College of Arts & Sciences, furthering a mission of tackling the world’s environmental challenges while effecting long-term, positive social impacts. In addition to the current projects under way, GLOWS has completed projects in Peru, Ecuador, India and Morocco.