5 easy tips to get back in shape after the holidays

The holidays are history, but you’ll still have the wonderful memories, and oh yes, that other reminder of the good times had by all—those few extra pounds.

The New Year usually comes with a newfound resolve to get back in shape pronto, but FIU Health CEO, Dr. Eneida Roldan, a board certified specialist in obesity, cautions against crash diets. “They don’t work in the long run,” Roldan says.

Here are her five healthy tips for combating the post-holiday indulgence.

1. Weigh yourself—This will give you a baseline to keep track of your progress.
2. Go back to your normal eating routine—Eating at home you can better control portions and salt use.
3. Stick to three meals a day—Starvation diets are counterproductive.
4. Hydrate—Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. Skip alcohol and soft drinks. If you drink, do so in moderation, on weekends and no more than two drinks. Remember that mixed drinks are the worst since they contain the largest amount of sugar.
5. Exercise—Start moving! Resume or begin a moderate exercise program. If you’ve never exercised, start by walking at least 30 minutes a day. If you reduced your activity during the holidays, go back to your normal routine.

Eneida O. Roldan, M.D.

Eneida O. Roldan, M.D.


The good news

Roldan says to keep in mind that “not all the weight you gained is fat, you also gained water and muscle.”
That means that as soon as you stop the holiday cycle of constant food and drink, you should begin to see results. You just need a little patience.

Make a commitment to healthy eating and living, not because it’s New Year’s, but because it’s worth it.