FIU remains among top 50 U.S. patent producers in the world
FIU remains ranked among the top 25 public universities in the world for the number of U.S. utility patents produced.
FIU holds 61 patents, spanning the fields of renewable energy, medicine, computer science, engineering, and more.
The ‘Top 100 Worldwide Universities Granted U.S. Utility Patents in 2019’ report was recently released by the National Academy of Inventors and the Intellectual Property Owners Association. The report uses data obtained from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and highlights the vital role patents play in university research and innovation.
FIU ranked 20th among public universities and 40th among all universities in the world.
The university is a member of The National Academy of Inventors, which is comprised of U.S. and international universities, and governmental, and non-profit research institutes. The academy includes over 4,000 individual inventor members and Fellows spanning more than 250 institutions.