Got my first job! Working as a multimedia producer at CW South Florida
Name: Miriam Tapia
Degree/Major: Bachelor’s in mass communications/broadcast media
Position: Multimedia producer
Where are you working? WSFL The CW South Florida
How has FIU helped you get to where you are today in your career? FIU was beneficial to me because I learned the majority of what I do today in the communications program.
What path did you take to attain your current career? I interned wherever I could. Actually, my first internship was The CW South Florida. I sacrificed my social life just so I can focus on school and the internship at the time. And thanks to that sacrifice, I managed to get a job here. Before getting hired, I also interned at Viacom where I learned so much about syndicated shows and met so many people who I now know in the industry.
What’s been the coolest thing about your job so far? The coolest thing is that I not only get to attend great events and meet and talk to celebrities, but I also get to connect with the community and learn so much about South Florida. Whether it be an opening of a new restaurant or community event, getting to talk to local people about it and share their story is the most gratifying for me.
What does a typical day for you look like? Every day is different for me. I typically don’t stay behind a computer all day. I may be on shoots in the morning and then edit either remotely or at the office later in the day. Or vice versa. I am constantly running around! In a good way!
What was it like getting to work at the Super bowl? Super Bowl LIV was the most fun and most challenging week of my entire career. We were working back-to-back 12 hour days. From media day to the press conferences to the stories we were doing around the city for our show, it was really a hectic time. But it was such an experience. I learned so much and met so many people from our industry locally AND nationally. It’s definitely a moment in my life that I will forever cherish. And I was so proud to be a part of that.
What is something your current career has taught you? Something that my career has taught me is that no matter what situation is thrown at me, I’m able to kind of work with it and make the most out of it. Situations are always thrown at you, whether it be producing a segment or hosting a segment, something always happens and it’s up to you to think on the fly. For me, it’s definitely taught me to be on my toes at all times. I’ve learned how to think and react fast when situations are thrown at me.
How does your job connect back to your coursework? What I do now definitely connects to what I used to do at school. At school I would go out look for a story and put it together. I basically do the same but a on a whole new level meaning the work I do airs locally. No room for mistakes, because if there are mistakes the whole company and viewers can see that.
Were there any classes or professors that influenced where you are today? I think the most important classes that molded me were multimedia production and capstone. That’s where you get a taste of the industry. With multimedia production, I learned how to tell a story. I learned how to film, produce, write and edit in that class. And with capstone, you’re put to the ultimate test when you put those elements AND a whole show together. Professor Bustos, Professor Sheerin, Professor Delboni and Professor Shumow, may he RIP, were major influences for me. I learned so much from TV to digital and more from all of them.
What advice do you have for students interested in a career in communication? I tell my interns all the time to learn as much as you can. It doesn’t matter if you’re focused in one realm in the industry. In this day and age of technology, it’s best to know everything from front of the camera to back of the camera and more. Also, take advantage of all the resources you have in college. Those opportunities don’t come often so take advantage of it. Be quick, say yes to everything, if you can—and stand your ground.