How to report potential, confirmed COVID-19 cases
To streamline the process for reporting potential/confirmed COVID-19 cases among students, faculty and staff and ensure ONLY essential staff designated to address potential and/or confirmed COVID-19 are informed, the below process is effective immediately.
If you, as faculty or staff, have a confirmed case or become aware of a potential and/or confirmed case, please email:
Janik Collin, Assistant Director
Benefits Administration
If you become aware of a student potential and/or confirmed case, please email:
Sofia TrellesStudent Ombuds
Ms. Collin’s and Ms. Trelles’ role during this pandemic is to connect with the impacted individual, gather essential intake information and relay what is relevant to the appropriate emergency management leads.
Although we are experiencing a pandemic, federal and state privacy laws still govern the disclosure of personal/health information. PLEASE DO NOT send emails to listservs, departmental staff or anyone else. You should be relaying this information only to one of the individuals listed above.
If you have already emailed such information to your supervisor or to Amy Aiken, assistant vice president of the Division of Operations and Safety and director of Emergency Management, there is no need to resend.