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FIU launches new student social media ambassador program
The social media ambassadors

FIU launches new student social media ambassador program

September 9, 2022 at 3:41pm

The university has launched its first ambassador social media program for content creators. FIU Creators are student ambassadors who are passionate about being Panthers. They love creating content, finding new trends on social media and sharing their Panther Pride.

As FIU Social Media Ambassadors, participants will share university news and information as well as highlight their lives as students. The program is meant to have students showcase their college experience at FIU on their own profiles and represent what the REAL FIU experience is like — going to sports events, campus life activities, getting involved and setting academic standards for their fellow peers.

"Our content gets people thrilled about being a Panther," says Maria Rives, social media manager. "So, what better way of showcasing the Panther point of view than seeing it from the eyes of our current students. The goal of the program is to enhance that FIU experience by showcasing real moments that not only our students can relate to, but future students can get excited for. The number of times we have seen, 'I can’t wait to go to FIU' or "that’s my dream school' proves that social media can not only reach current students or alumni, but prospective students."

The program will run on a semesterly basis with 10 new candidates per semester. The first cohort selected for the Fall 2022 semester is comprised of engaged students who demonstrated true Panther Pride and were already sharing their experience at FIU on social media, which all students are encouraged to do.

"Sharing my experience and showing just how much there is to FIU motivated me to join #FIUcreators," says Sebastian Rocha. "I'm very excited to start this journey with you all and can't wait to show my panther pride!"

Nidia Gonzalez, social media specialist, adds, "Our students at FIU come from all different walks of life. This is exactly what we wanted to represent with our 10 creators. All our creators share one thing in common: Panther Pride. They’re all involved in different student organizations, are on different career tracks, come from different backgrounds, but all share the same love for their alma mater."

"Our creators shined through their applications and through their social platforms," she says. "Ideally, we were looking for the involved student who’s a creative by nature and is out at campus events by day and by night. We couldn’t be more happy with our choice of students for this semester’s very first class of FIU Creators."

Meet the 10 FIU Creators for this semester: 




Top row, from left to right: K'deja "KC" Correa; Alexander Sutton; Jeismelyn Chiu
Second row: Jonathan Holmes; Fiorella Mora; Kimora Miller
Third row: Elsa Chung; Fabiana Rubio; Sebastian Rocha
Bottom row: Marcio Lau

Interested in being a content creator for FIU? Tag @FIUInstagram in all your posts and make sure to engage with our social media to stay on our radar for next semester!

"Coming from all the way across the world, FIU has been my second home for the past four years of my study-abroad journey. Being given a chance to become a part of #FIUCreators means so much to me in this last semester. This is an incredible opportunity for me to give back to FIU, to genuinely express my gratitude and reflect back on what I have accomplished here. 💙💛

For an international student like me, it’s so precious to feel a sense of belongingness whilst being far way from home. FIU holds a special place in my heart and I will make you love FIU as much as I do #PawsUp #PantherPride 🐾"

— Elsa Chung


"I joined #FIUCreators to share my passion for content creating and showcasing what FIU is all about!!"

— Fabiana Rubio