Name: Ana Maria Prado
Hometown: Miami, FL
Are you an alumna? When did you graduate and what did you study? Yes, I graduated with a B.A. in English in 2007, an M.A. in English 2010 and my Ed.S. in teaching and learning in 2022. I’m currently a doctoral candidate in teaching and learning with a focus on language, literacy and culture.
What is your job here at FIU and how long have you been at it? I am the assistant director of the Office of Global Learning Initiatives and oversee student co-curricular programming. I have been in this role since August of 2022, but I have been supporting the team since joining the office as a graduate assistant in 2021.
Tell us, in a nutshell, what you do. My team’s goal is to connect students to experiences, activities and mentorship that further their global learning. We also provide some direct mentorship of students through our flagship Global Learning Medallion (GLM) program, our Global Learning Fellowship and the Millennium Fellowship by connecting them to others who can help them with their work and by providing support. My team and I promote events and activities that are globally focused and also create our own engagement opportunities.
What do you think your fellow Panthers should know about your office? I think we are a great resource for all Panthers, whether they engage with global learning through their classes or through our events and programming. I encourage all Panthers to connect with us!
What inspires you to be the best at your job?
Our students – they are so open to new opportunities and experiences, and they are always gracious and grateful for the support. They inspire me in so many ways.
Do you have a favorite place on campus or a favorite activity to which you look forward? I have several favorite spots, including the library, which has long been my happy space. More recently, the Global Learning Student Lounge we created in our offices in PC has been a special place for me, especially when it is filled with our bright, curious and very engaged GLM-ers! I have been waiting for an Uno-rematch all year.