Resilient Infrastructure

FIU is Building Resilient Infrastructure for our Coastal Cities and Beyond

Browse through some of the FIU projects contributing to a more resilient future.

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FIU-focused stylized landscape of Miami
  • Commercialization Hub

    The Risk and Resilience Infrastructure Innovation Center will provide services and mentorship to startups and small businesses focused on climate-ready infrastructure.

  • Sustainable Concrete

    With Titan America and Carbon Limit, FIU is advancing cement technologies, like ultra-high performance concrete, to enhance durability, reduce concrete emissions and in some cases, turn concrete into a carbon-absorbing sponge.

  • Saltwater Intrusion Testing

    Federal support from Congress and NOAA is launching a network of monitoring wells to study the impact of saltwater intrusion on the foundations of coastal buildings.

  • Additive Manufacturing

    With over $25 million in funding from the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, FIU's Cold Spray and Rapid Deposition Lab advances techniques in the repair, design and durability of high-performance materials with applications for commercial aviation, automobiles and more.

  • Solar Innovation

    Supported by FPL/NextEra, the AI-based microgrid advances research into a resilient energy future in the face of natural disasters.

  • Wall of Wind

    Capable of generating Category 5 winds, this facility has contributed to Florida's leading position in building codes for hurricanes. It will be used by Tech Hub partners to test new materials and innovative products in development.

  • Smarter Seawalls

    Designed to attach to existing seawalls, Ecoblox are designed to enhance marine biodiversity and mitigate water pollution in coastal areas.

  • Environmental Robotics

    Researchers design and deploy buoys and autonomous vessels to identify and trace emerging contaminants in coastal environments.