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FIU extends remote work until at least May 2, virtual commencement to be held May 8

FIU extends remote work until at least May 2, virtual commencement to be held May 8

Update 24

April 1, 2020 at 7:32pm

  • Remote work extended until at least May 2, 2020
  • Virtual commencement scheduled for May 8, 2020
  • Updated procedure for reporting COVID-19 cases
  • Give us your feedback

Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed an Executive Order urging Floridians to stay home to help curb the spread of the coronavirus. The order goes into effect Thursday night and expires on April 30, 2020, unless extended by subsequent order.

Based on this new development, FIU will extend remote work until at least Saturday May 2, 2020.

Remote learning is already in effect through the remainder of the Spring semester, as well as Summer A and C, which start May 10. We are monitoring the situation with respect to Summer B, which is scheduled to begin Monday, June 22. We will provide updates as soon as we are able. 

Virtual Commencement

Virtual commencement will take place on Friday, May 8.

In the next few days, graduates will receive information about how to personalize their experience and access the ceremony. In addition to virtual commencement, spring graduates will have the option to participate in traditional ceremonies that will be added to summer and fall commencement.

AHC 4 closed for cleaning

The Academic Health Center Building Four (AHC4) at MMC has been closed for decontamination of some areas after an FIU employee who has been in the building recently tested positive for COVID-19. The building should reopen soon to researchers who currently have permission to access their labs. The researchers will be kept informed of progress and will be contacted when access is restored. The few members of the staff who could have come into contact with this person have been notified and are in self-quarantine.

Reporting COVID-19 cases

Because most of our university operations have been remote for more than two weeks, most confirmed cases of COVID-19 among members of the university do not present a risk to other members of the community. However, in an abundance of caution, we are still attempting to keep track of any members of the community who might need our support as they fight this disease. Please review updated procedures that have been put in place to facilitate the sharing of information while observing federal and state privacy laws.

Employees still woking on campus

Because of the remote work, only a few personnel have been present at FIU facilities. For those who are authorized to work on-site from FIU facilities, it is important that if you have any symptoms at all, that you inform your supervisor and stay home. It is also important for those authorized to come to campus that you observe social distancing and that you restrict your activities to the areas in which you have been authorized to work.

Avoid Zoom bombing

Much of our remote learning and work is taking place using videoconferencing platforms such as Zoom. The Division of Information Technology has shared tips on how to avoid security issues while using Zoom.

Your feedback is important

We’ve created a short, five-question survey designed to help us learn more about where you’re getting FIU-related information and whether you have the information you need to continue to learn and work remotely. Please take a moment to answer this survey so that we can provide the content you’re looking for in the weeks ahead.  

For updated information on how FIU is responding to the coronavirus pandemic, please visit the dedicated website at

Thank you and stay safe, Panthers.