FIU is a leader in hurricane research, resilience and disaster mitigation. The list below includes experts available to discuss hurricanes and their aftermath, including social, economic, health and political aspects.
If you have any questions or need assitance, contact the Office of Media Relations.
Meteorology and Hurricane Intensification

Hugh E. Willoughby
Distinguished Research Professor
Department of Earth and Environment
Institute of Environment
College of Arts, Sciences & Education
Willoughby studies tropical cyclone structure, intensity, and impacts. He has flown more than 400 missions into the eyes of hurricanes and typhoons as a meteorologist for the federal government. Willoughby was a Research Meteorologist at the Hurricane Research Division of NOAA’s Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, where he worked since 1975 and served as director from 1995 until 2002. Willoughby also serves on the Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology and has extensive knowledge of hurricane impacts and insurance.
Office: 305-348-0243
For help, contact:
Ayleen Barbel Fattal

Haiyan Jiang
Department of Earth and Environment
College of Arts, Sciences & Education
Jiang is a meteorologist with research interests in hurricane intensity, intensity change and structures of inner-core convection and precipitation. Jiang’s expertise is in satellite remote sensing techniques that can detect various characteristics of weather systems. She successfully applied these technologies to study hurricane rainfall, convection, winds, and warm-core structures. A coherent theme of her research is to advance our understanding of hurricane intensity and intensity change. She developed long-term satellite-based tropical cyclone databases and used these tools to study the climatology of hurricanes and to develop algorithms for estimating current intensity and predicting rapid intensification of tropical cyclones. Her research on hurricane intensity estimation, rapid intensification prediction, and climatology of hurricane inner-core structures has been funded by federal agencies including NSF, NOAA and NASA.
View more information on Dr. Jiang's research
Office: 305-348-2984
For help, contact:
Ayleen Barbel Fattal

Ping Zhu
Department of Earth and Environment
College of Arts, Sciences & Education
Zhu is a meteorologist whose research interests are in hurricanes, atmospheric convection, boundary layer, and numerical modeling. Using innovative numerical and observational methods, he characterizes the turbulence structure and quantifies turbulent transport in the hurricane boundary layer critical to the storm evolution. His research funded by NSF and NOAA addresses key issues on the representation of sub-grid-scale physical processes in numerical models and the improvement of forecasting skill by NOAA's operational models used for predicting hurricanes.
Office: 305-348-7096
For help, contact:
Ayleen Barbel Fattal
Social and Political Impact

Richard S. Olson
Distinguished University Professor
Director, Extreme Events Institute (EEI)
International Hurricane Research Center (IHRC)
Olson researches the political fallout from disasters and has been involved in more than 20 field responses and post-disaster investigations. He has served on the Climate Change and Social Stress panel of the National Academy of Science and has written extensively about urban vulnerability to disasters and the political ramifications of how governments respond. Olson is also featured in the independent documentary titled “Built to Last? Saving our Homes in the Age of Disasters.” The documentary communicates what ordinary people around the world can do to make their homes safer and hazard-resilient.
Click here to learn more about the documentary.
Olson is available for interviews in English and Spanish.
For help, contact:
Dianne Fernandez

Eduardo Gamarra
Department of Politics & International Relations
Director, Latino Public Opinion Forum
Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs
Gamarra has done research on the regional dynamics of Latin America and the Caribbean, including Haiti and the Dominican Republic. He is well versed on political, social and infrastructure issues in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. He is the author of more than a dozen books and more than 100 academic articles on Latin America.
Gamarra available for English and Spanish interviews.
Cell: 786-253-4898
For help, contact:
Todd Ellenberg

Erik Salna
Associate Director for Education and Outreach
Extreme Events Institute (EEI) & International Hurricane Research Center (IHRC)
Salna works with the Wall of Wind research team and coordinates education and outreach activities. He has experience as a broadcast meteorologist and within both non-profit and for-profit environments in meteorology, mitigation, preparedness, education, media and EOC activations. Before EEI & IHRC, he worked at America’s Emergency Network, which focused on live video streaming technology. He also served as project coordinator for the non-profit Hurricane Warning at the Disaster Survival House, located in Deerfield Beach. He also served as hazard mitigation manager for the City of Deerfield Beach, was on the city’s crisis activation team and participated in all activations of the emergency operations center.
Salna testified before the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology on the importance of storm preparedness, the forecasting workforce and fostering a Weather-Ready Nation (WRN).
Office: 305-348-1146
For help, contact:
Dianne Fernandez
Click here to read the article in The Conversation.

Kevin Grove
Associate Professor of Geography
Department Global and Sociocultural Studies
Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs
Grove, a political geographer studies resilience, vulnerability, adaptation, environmental security, development, and how human-environment relations are governed in the context of contemporary crises. By examining everyday practices of governance shapes how we create truths about the world and act in the world, and the techniques deployed to create and contest those truth claims. This came about through his work in disaster resilience and emergency management in Jamaica.
Office: 305-348-3343
For help, contact:
Todd Ellenberg

Maria Ilcheva
Associate Director
Jorge M. Perez Metropolitan Center
Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs
Ilcheva is investigating how prepared Floridians are to face hurricanes and how they use information toward their preparations. Ilcheva is examining the measures residents, businesses and public officials are taking to mitigate the effect of hurricanes and what barriers exist to implement optimal preparedness. Ilcheva’s hurricane research focuses on the real and perceptual changes in homeowners insurance. Ilcheva specializes in the administration of surveys, polls and interviews, data analysis and reporting.
Cell: 954-438-8652
For help, contact:
Todd Ellenberg

N. Emel Ganapati
Director, Laboratory for Social Science Research, International Hurricane Research Center, Extreme Events Institute
Department of Public Policy and Administration
Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs
Ganapati studies disaster management, citizen participation/community empowerment, and international development administration. Her principal focus is on post-disaster recovery, a topic that has received very little attention in the public administration discipline. Currently, Ganapati leads an interdisciplinary social science team, including two alumni, searching for answers to the 2021 Surfside condo collapse. Their effort will collect oral histories of survivors, eyewitnesses and first responders to gain a deeper understanding of issues associated with the disaster.
Office: 305-348-0436
For help, contact:
Todd Ellenberg

Pallab Mozumder
Department of Earth and Environment & Department of Economics
Institute of Environment
College of Arts, Sciences & Education
Mozumder is an environmental economist with expertise in socio-economic aspects of natural hazards. His research on hurricane risk mitigation and evacuation behavior has been funded by federal and state agencies such as the National Science Foundation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Florida Department of Community Affairs and Florida Sea Grant.
Office: 305-348-7146
For help, contact:
Ayleen Barbel Fattal

Robert M. Jorge
Senior Director
Division of Operations and Safety
Academy for International Disaster Preparedness
Jorge has had over three decades of leadership experience at the City of Miami Fire Rescue Department and Miami Dade College. He has served as an Assistant Fire Chief and brings expertise that spans through Emergency Incident Management, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and academic program development. He has been involved with local, state and federal agencies during most local major disasters that have occurred in the last 30 years.
Cell: (305) 348-5153
For help, contact:
Stephanie Rendon

Mark J. Macgowan
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
Professor of Social Work
Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work
As a licensed therapist, Macgowan has served as a disaster mental health worker with the American Red Cross and currently serves as a behavioral health specialist with a federal Disaster Medical Assistance Team. Recent Florida deployments include Hurricane Michael in the Panhandle and Hurricane Ian on the Southwest Coast. Macgowan teaches FIU’s only graduate course on disaster mental health and trains health professionals internationally on best practices related to psychosocial response to mass casualty events. His research advances effective practices related to well-being and disasters, which include systematic reviews of therapies for people affected by mass casualty events. His recent federally funded projects include establishing a hurricane response technical assistance center serving Miami‐Dade and Escambia Counties, Florida, and social science data collection related to the Champlain Towers South building collapse in Surfside, Florida.
Cell: (305) 348-0427
For help, contact:
Stephanie Rendon
Environmental and Ecological Impacts

Jayantha Obeysekera
Research Professor
Director of Sea Level Solutions
Institute of Environment
College of Arts, Sciences & Education
Obeysekera can talk about hurricanes as they relate to sea level rise, climate change, flooding and water management. He previously served as chief modeler at the South Florida Water Management District, where he had a leading role in modeling of the Everglades and Kissimmee River and Everglades restoration projects. He was co-author of the sea level rise projections report published by NOAA for the National Climate Assessment. He also co-authored a report on regional sea level projections for Department of Defense facilities across the globe. He has extensive media experience, including print and broadcast.
For help, contact:
Ayleen Barbel Fattal

Henry Briceño
Research Professor
Institute of Environment
College of Arts, Sciences & Education
Briceño can talk about hurricane impacts regarding waters in coastal and estuarine areas. For over 17 years, Briceño has been leading water quality monitoring efforts at FIU. He focuses on how our changing climate is impacting our waterways and the impacts that people and nature have on our ecological systems. Briceño leads the institute’s Water Quality Monitoring Network.
Briceño is available for interviews in English and Spanish.
Office: 305-348-1269
For help, contact:
Ayleen Barbel Fattal

Stephen Leatherman
Department of Earth and Environment
Institute of Environment
College of Arts, Sciences & Education
Leatherman is professor in the FIU Department of Earth & Environment. Known as “Dr. Beach” for his annual rankings of U.S. beaches, Leatherman’s major research focuses on storm impacts, including beach erosion and rip currents. He has given expert testimony to U.S. Congressional committees more than a dozen times on issues such as coastal storm impacts and federal disaster response. He was the review coordinator for the National Academy of Sciences & Engineering for the federal study of the breaching of the New Orleans levees and flooding by Hurricane Katrina.
Phone: 305-238-5888.
For help, contact:
JoAnn Adkins

Shimon Wdowinski
Department of Earth and Environment
FIU Institute of Environment
College of Arts, Sciences & Education
Wdowinski is an expert in space geodesy, natural hazards and sea level rise. His research has focused on the development and usage of space geodetic techniques that can detect very precisely small movements of the Earth’s surface. Wdowinski has successfully applied these techniques to study tectonic plate motion, earthquakes, land subsidence, sinkhole activities, wetland hydrology, climate change, and sea level rise.
Office: 305-348-6826
For help, contact:
Ayleen Barbel Fattal

Randall Parkinson
Research Associate Professor
FIU Institute of Environment
College of Arts, Sciences & Education
Parkinson has spent the past 35 years researching the effects of climate change and urbanization on the resiliency of the human, built and natural environments of the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Peninsular Florida, and the Georgia Bight. More importantly, he has focused on ensuring the results of his research are conveyed in a way that can be understood and applied by the broadest array of stakeholder and practitioners who are responsible for the management of our coastal resources. Parkinson has conducted numerous vulnerability assessments to quantify the effects of climate change, including rising temperature, changes in precipitation, increasing storminess, acidification, and sea-level rise, on the coastal zone and has developed adaptation action plans designed specifically to reduce climate-related risks to the human, built and natural environment.
Phone: 321-373-0976
For help, contact:
Ayleen Barbel Fattal

Amal Elawady
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
College of Engineering and Computing
Elawady is a Fellow of FIU’s Extreme Event Institute and a co-PI of the NHERI Wall of Wind Experimental Facility (WOW) at FIU. Elawady’s expertise is in the area of wind effects on built environment. Her studies involve large-scale wind tunnel testing, wind effects analysis to examine structural response, and design of structures against extreme wind events including hurricanes and non-synoptic downburst winds. Elawady is the recipient of the Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation. She also received FIU College of Engineering Research award for excellence in research and creative activities.
Office: 305-348-0256
For help, contact:
Elizabeth Calzadilla
Insurance and Finance

Shahid Hamid
Department of Finance
College of Business
Hamid works primarily on the financial and insurance consequences of hurricanes and has conducted research on a wide variety of topics including hurricane loss modeling, homeowner insurance, corporate financial policies and financial crisis. He heads the development and operation of the Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model that forecasts the wind and flood losses caused by hurricanes and flood. The model has been used over 2,000 times by the state of Florida to evaluate rate filings and conduct stress tests on insurance companies. As the director of the FIU International Hurricane Research Center’s Laboratory for Insurance, Financial and Economic Research, Hamid leads a multi-disciplinary team of more than 25 professors and experts, and a dozen graduate students, who work on the model.
Cell: 305-807-0451
Office: 305-348-2727
For help, contact:
Cynthia Corzo

Eli Beracha
Tibor and Sheila Hollo School of Real Estate Faculty
College of Business
An investment consultant with over 20 years of practical real-world experience, Beracha has worked with real estate development projects, acquisition and disposition decisions, and real estate funds. Over the years, he has published dozens of academic papers in leading real estate and finance journals, including the Journal of Real Estate Literature. He’s also managing editor of the Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education and is an elected member of the board of directors of the American Real Estate Society.
Cell: 785-841-4470
For help, contact:
Cynthia Corzo

William Hardin
Dean, College of Business
Knight Ridder Eminent Scholar, Tibor and Sheila Hollo Fellow
Eminent Scholar, Tibor and Sheila Hollo School of Real Estate
Hardin is a recognized expert on commercial real estate markets, financial markets and securitized real estate. A member of the board of directors of the American Real Estate Society, he has authored or co-authored some 70 papers on varied topics in commercial real estate investment, including REIT governance and financial structure. Hardin is co-editor of the Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education and of the Journal of Real Estate Research. He is an elected member of the board of directors of the American Real Estate Society.
Cell: 954-298-8675
For help, contact:
Cynthia Corzo

Dr. Aileen M. Marty
Distinguished University Professor
School of Integrated Science and Humanities, College of Arts, Sciences & Education
Department of Translational Medicine, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine
Dr. Marty is a Miami-Dade County Medical Reserve Corps member and works with the county government on hurricane strategy and outbreak response. Marty has extensive experience in infectious disease, public health, outbreak response, & mass gatherings. She also works with the World Health Organization at the Health-Security Interphase and has responded to disease outbreaks worldwide. Marty is co-editor-in-chief of One Health, the official journal of the International Federation for Tropical Medicine.
Marty is available for interviews in English and Spanish.
Office: 305-348-0377
For help, contact:
JoAnn Adkins

Dr. Eneida O. Roldan
Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine
Chief Executive Officer, FIU HealthCare Network
Dr. Roldan is a member of the FIU Emergency Operations Committee. She has played a key role in the local COVID-19 response serving as clinical director for the FIU vaccination site and chair of the University Health Care Task Force. She also helped launch and served as clinical director and operations chief of the Miami-Dade County COVID-19 testing site adjacent to FIU. In addition, her vast experience in health care management can help address issues involving hurricane response in facilities including hospitals, nursing homes, and community shelters.
Roldan is available for interviews in English and Spanish.
For help, contact:
Ileana Varela
Finance – Economic Impact

Deanne Butchey
Teaching Professor
Department of Finance
Before joining FIU, Butchey worked as an Investment Banker and Financial Services Stock Research Analyst at Credit Suisse First Boston in their Toronto offices. Prior to this, she was a stockbroker at Scotia McLeod and Merrill Lynch in Toronto. Butchey performs research in Environmental, Social, and Governance Investing and Analysis including CEO compensation and Sustainability issues.
Office: (305) 348-7238
For help, contact:
Cynthia Corzo

Mark Del Pezzo
Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Finance
College of Business
Del Pezzo is a CFA and former investment banker and portfolio manager for numerous depository institutions and trust departments. The courses he teaches include advanced investments and financial management. He has worked as a portfolio manager at both Raymond James and Deutsch Bank.
Office: 305-348-8459
For help, contact:
Cynthia Corzo
Crisis Communications & Emergency Planning

Aileen Izquierdo
Associate Teaching Professor
Director, School of Communication
Program Director, Global Strategic Communications master’s degree program
College of Communication, Architecture & the Arts
Izquierdo is a communications professional with more than 25 years of strategic communications, branding and crisis communications experience in private and public sector organizations. She has held several executive and management positions throughout her career, including serving as vice president for communications and marketing at multiple institutions. Izquierdo is the Director of the School of Communication at Florida International University and is part of the faculty. She also oversees the Global Strategic Communications master’s degree program at FIU. Izquierdo is available for interviews in English and Spanish.
For help, contact:
Zion Sealy